Where Did All the Fun Go

Talk by Bogomil Shopov. Link to the details in the Reference section.

Fun opening with an AI assistant replacing the speaker. Well, taking over the presentation. Directing it towards a Jean Claude van Damme presentation.

Part of the fun comes from our heart. One example, is chair rowing. Not a lot of people remember this in the room (me included). Singing songs about what we do. The talk includes video examples of these things.

Cool to see the “Every OS sucks” song. Don’t remember how he was called, but I sure remember his “Tech helpdesk” sketch.

The Java is a virus video was great.

Fake protocols or errors. With an example of the RFC about TCP over Pidgeon.

The second part is about where the fun went. Reason 0, there is too much stress at work. I can somewhat agree. Products need to be delivered. This leads to Reason 1, there is no time for fun.

Part three, what can we do about it? Reduce the distraction. We (as a population) are too busy with our phones. The speaker argues that we should bring our emotions back. We are too serious.

Speaker uses heavy metal as a way to process emotion. And encourages us to try this.


Fun talk, not very in-depth. Good starter for in the morning. ## References

Where Did All the Fun Go? And How to Bring it Back with FOSS!